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Secondary Library: Green Spaces Project

Green Spaces Project


For this project, you will be researching "Green Spaces" using the articles, websites, and videos here. You should choose 1 of each to make your arguments in your presentation. There are also some books you can use if you'd like. You can change 1 of these resources for a book.

Research Databases


Why do we need more green spaces?

• Green spaces are important because they make us healthy and help plants grow.

• Growing flowering plants in cities can help pollinators.

• Green areas in cities provide safe places to walk and ride bikes and can help prevent flash flooding.


•  绿色空间很重要,因为它们使我们健康并帮助植物生长。

•  在城市种植开花植物可以帮助授粉媒介。

•  城市中的绿地提供安全的步行和骑自行车场所,有助于防止山洪暴发。

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“Benefits Of Green Spaces: #GiveItAGrow.” Give It A Grow, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

The necessity of urban green space for children’s optimal development

• Green spaces are important for kids' health and happiness.

• Being around green things helps kids care about the environment and be healthier.

• Having safe and accessible green spaces helps everyone stay healthy and saves money on healthcare.


• 绿色空间对于孩子们的健康和幸福很重要。

• 周围的绿色事物可以帮助孩子们关心环境并变得更健康。

• 拥有安全且无障碍的绿色空间可以帮助每个人保持健康并节省医疗费用。

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“The Necessity of Urban Green Space for Children’s Optimal Development.” UNICEF, 26 July 2021, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature

• Learning about nature teaches us how to take care of living things.

• Being in nature makes us happy and helps us pay attention better.

• Playing outside helps us move our bodies and be creative.


• 了解自然教会我们如何照顾生物。

• 身处大自然让我们快乐并帮助我们更好地集中注意力。

• 户外玩耍可以帮助我们活动身体并发挥创造力。

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“Why Kids Need to Spend Time in Nature.” Child Mind Institute, 30 Oct. 2023, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Connecting Kids and Nature: Health Benefits and Tips

• Kids are spending more time inside, this is not good for their health.

• Being outside is important for health and sleep.

• Playing in the dirt is good for us.


• 孩子们呆在室内的时间越来越多,这对他们的健康不利。

• 户外活动对于健康和睡眠很重要。

• 在泥土中玩耍对我们有好处。

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“Health Benefits and Tips.” National Wildlife Federation, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.


Green spaces in cities save lives and dollars: study

• Having green spaces in cities is good for our health.

• Parks help people exercise and stay active, preventing diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and cancer.

• Keeping trees and plants is important because nature is good for us and helps save lives and money.


• 城市中拥有绿色空间有利于我们的健康。

• 公园帮助人们锻炼身体并保持活力,预防糖尿病、高血压、心脏病和癌症等疾病。

• 保护树木和植物很重要,因为大自然对我们有益,有助于拯救生命和金钱。

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“Green Spaces in Cities Save Lives and Dollars: Study.” YouTube, 30 May 2021, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Urban gardening - Growing food in New York City

• The author used to work for the city's transit authority but now has their own garden.

• They enjoy sharing fresh, local food with their community and teaching about healthy eating.

• The author believes everyone should have access to fresh, healthy food and is passionate about urban gardening in New York City.

• By growing our own food, we can take control of what we eat and improve our health.


• 作者曾在该市交通局工作,但现在拥有自己的花园。

• 他们喜欢与社区分享新鲜的当地食物并教授健康饮食。

• 作者认为每个人都应该获得新鲜、健康的食物,并且对纽约市的城市园艺充满热情。

• 通过种植我们自己的食物,我们可以控制我们的饮食并改善我们的健康。

Adapted Passage

“Urban Gardening - Growing Food in New York City.” YouTube, 4 May 2021, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Importance Of Green Spaces In Cities |Eco@Africa|

• Green spaces in cities are important because they help clean the air.

• Plants and trees in green spaces provide shade and cool down the city.

• Green spaces provide homes for animals and help plants grow.


• 城市中的绿色空间很重要,因为它们有助于清洁空气。

• 绿色空间中的植物和树木为城市提供遮荫和降温。

• 绿色空间为动物提供家园并帮助植物生长。

Adapted Passage

“Importance Of Green Spaces In Cities |Eco@Africa|.” YouTube, 16 Dec. 2018, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Why is Nature important?

• Spending time in nature is important for our health and happiness.

• Being in nature makes us healthier and happier.

• Nature is good for kids' physical and mental well-being.

• Nature helps us feel closer to our community.

• More nature means less crime.







Adapted Passage

“Why Is Nature Important?” YouTube, 24 Feb. 2021, Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.


School Gardens: Growing Learners and Communities

• The teacher moved around a lot because their dad was in the Navy, but when they ended up in Ledyard, Connecticut, they took an agriculture class and fell in love with it!

• Nowadays, there are many gardens in schools! These gardens help us learn about growing food and eating healthy.

• Gardens can help us connect with other cultures and communities around the world.


• 老师经常搬家,因为他们的父亲在海军,但当他们最终到达康涅狄格州的莱德亚德时,他们参加了农业课程并爱上了它!

• 如今,学校里有很多花园!这些花园帮助我们了解种植食物和健康饮食。

• 花园可以帮助我们与世界各地的其他文化和社区建立联系。

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LaRose, Sarah. "School Gardens: Growing Learners and Communities." The Agricultural Education Magazine, vol. 95, no. 6, May 2023, pp. 4-5. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Nature-first urban design is growing out of necessity

• Nature-first urban design is when cities are made more nature-friendly.

• This kind of design is happening all over the world because people know that nature is important.

• Designing cities with nature in mind costs more money, but it has many good things that come from it.


• 自然优先的城市设计是指城市变得更加自然友好。

• 这种设计正在世界各地发生,因为人们知道自然的重要性。

• 设计时考虑到自然的城市需要花费更多的钱,但它会带来很多好处。

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Johne, Marjo. "Nature-first urban design is growing out of necessity." The Globe and Mail, 05/24 2023. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Cultivating Student Restoration Through School Gardens

• School gardens help students learn and feel better.

• Being in nature makes our bodies and minds feel good.

• Teachers can bring nature into the classroom to help students relax and learn better.


• 学校花园帮助学生学习并感觉更好。

• 身处大自然中可以让我们的身体和心灵感觉良好。

• 教师可以将自然带入课堂,帮助学生放松并更好地学习。

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Warner, Anna J. "Cultivating Student Restoration Through School Gardens." The Agricultural Education Magazine, vol. 95, no. 6, May 2023, pp. 33-34. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Integrated School Gardens Increase Student Learning Outcomes

• Teachers did a study about using gardens in their classes.

• School leaders need to support teachers who want to use gardens.

• Teachers need help from the community to make a garden.

• Some teachers had problems because their garden was far away from their classroom.

• Taking care of the garden during the summer was hard for some teachers.

• Students liked tasting the food from the garden.

• Students learned about healthy eating by cooking with the food from the garden.

• To start a garden at your school, remember to get support from school leaders and find a team to take care of the garden.

• You can ask for money from grants or local businesses.

• Talk to other teachers about how they can use the garden.

• Think about who will take care of the garden during the summer.


• 老师们做了一项关于在课堂上使用花园的研究。

• 学校领导需要支持想要使用花园的教师。

• 教师需要社区的帮助来建造一个花园。

• 一些老师遇到了问题,因为他们的花园离教室很远。

• 对于一些老师来说,夏天照顾花园很困难。

• 学生们喜欢品尝花园里的食物。

• 学生们通过用花园里的食物烹饪来了解健康饮食。

• 要在学校建立花园,请记住获得学校领导的支持并找到一个团队来照顾花园。

• 您可以向赠款或当地企业索要资金。

• 与其他老师讨论如何使用花园。

• 想想谁将在夏天照顾花园。

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Frederickson, Jade, and Jason Peake. "Integrated School Gardens Increase Student Learning Outcomes." The Agricultural Education Magazine, vol. 96, no. 3, Nov 2023, pp. 37. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Santa Rosa nonprofit helps kids find ‘special magic’ in school gardens

• Binkley Elementary School has a garden where kids grow plants.

• Sara Herrera started the garden with her dad and started a club to help take care of it.

• The garden teaches kids about food and the environment.


• 宾克利小学有一个花园,孩子们可以在那里种植植物。

• 萨拉·埃雷拉 (Sara Herrera) 与她的父亲一起创办了花园,并成立了一个俱乐部来帮助打理花园。

• 花园教孩子们有关食物和环境的知识。

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Minkler, Alana. "Santa Rosa nonprofit helps kids find ‘special magic’ in school gardens." The Press Democrat, 06/15 2023. ProQuest; eLibrary,

New Jersey school uses a garden to help teens

• The school has a therapist to help students with their feelings and offers after-school clubs like boxing, cooking, and yoga.

• One really cool thing about Moody Academy was that they had a garden.

• Gardening made people feel better and reduced crime.


• 学校有一名治疗师帮助学生调节情绪,并提供拳击、烹饪和瑜伽等课外俱乐部。

• 穆迪学院的一个非常酷的事情是他们有一个花园。

• 园艺让人们感觉更好并减少犯罪。

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Koruth, Mary A. "New Jersey school uses a garden to help teens." Reno Gazette - Journal, 01/02 2024. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Nature therapy

• Wilson loves nature and wants to protect it.

• Being in nature is good for our bodies and minds.

• Looking at nature makes us feel better and helps us stay healthy.


• 威尔逊热爱自然并希望保护它。

• 身处大自然对我们的身心都有好处。

• 观察大自然让我们感觉更好并帮助我们保持健康。

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"Nature therapy." Irish Times, 01/13 2024, pp. 10. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Ask the Pediatrician: Getting kids outdoors important for mental health

• Going outside and playing can make us feel better.

• Being in nature and getting fresh air is good for our minds and bodies.

• Spending time outside can help us relax and not feel as worried or sad.


• 出去玩可以让我们感觉更好。

• 置身大自然并呼吸新鲜空气对我们的身心都有好处。

• 花时间在户外可以帮助我们放松,不会感到担心或悲伤。

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Fenimore, Pia. "Ask the Pediatrician: Getting kids outdoors important for mental health." LNP, 05/08 2022. ProQuest; eLibrary,

Teens dig in to urban nature

• Teens in the city are learning about nature and going on trips to parks.

• They help protect the parks and learn important life skills.

• People in San Francisco are exploring secret springs and creeks.

• They found little springs and creeks in surprising places.

• The Sierra Club is working hard to create new places and protect the environment.


• 城市里的青少年正在了解自然并去公园旅行。

• 他们帮助保护公园并学习重要的生活技能。

• 旧金山的人们正在探索秘密的泉水和小溪。

• 他们在令人惊奇的地方发现了小泉水和小溪。

• 塞拉俱乐部正在努力创造新的场所并保护环境。

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G. K. “Teens Dig in to Urban Nature.” Sierra, vol. 102, no. 3, May 2017, p. 46. EBSCOhost,

Nature deficit and senses: Relationships among childhood nature exposure and adulthood sensory profiles, creativity, and nature relatedness



Deficit: Lack, not enough

• Kids who spend time in nature when they are young have different ways of sensing things.

• Kids who didn't spend much time in nature when they were young have a harder time noticing small things, which makes them less creative and less connected to nature as adults.

• Spending too much time on screens instead of being outside can change how kids think about and care for nature when they grow up.


• 小时候接触大自然的孩子有不同的感知事物的方式。

• 小时候没有花太多时间接触大自然的孩子更难注意到小事情,这使得他们成年后创造力较差,与自然的联系也较少。

• 花太多时间在屏幕上而不是在户外可能会改变孩子们长大后思考和关心自然的方式。

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Dongying Li et al., Nature deficit and senses: Relationships among childhood nature exposure and adulthood sensory profiles, creativity, and nature relatedness, Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 226, 2022, 104489, ISSN 0169-2046,