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Secondary Library: Mongol Empire

Primary Source

Mongol Empire - Primary Sources

• In the olden days, there were big battles between different groups of people.

• One group led by a man named Jebe wanted to take over a fortress called Chu-yung Kuan.

• They pretended to run away and tricked the other army into following them.

• Then, they turned around and attacked, with their friend Chingis Khan joining in.

• They won the battle and took over the fortress.

• There was another story about bad people called Tartars who came to a place called Ryazan.

• They asked for things from the leaders there, but when the leaders said no, the Tartars attacked the town.

• They hurt a lot of people and did very bad things.

• Once upon a time, there was a man named Marco Polo who wrote a book about his travels.

• He talked about a group of people who were very good at using bows and arrows.

• These people were very brave in battle and would do anything to win.

• They could go without food for a long time and even survive on the milk of their horses.

• They were also very obedient to their leaders and worked together as a team.

• In another book, there was a story about a leader named Chinggis Khan who had a big army.

• They organized themselves into groups and each group had a leader.

• They all worked together and treated each other equally.

• The Mongols were very obedient and followed their leader, the Khan.

• They would come to battle quickly when needed.

• If someone did something wrong, the Khan would send a messenger to punish them.

• Pope Innocent IV wrote a letter to the Great Khan, upset about the destruction caused by the Khan's invasions.

• The Great Khan wrote back, saying that he believed all the lands were given to him by Heaven and he had to follow its commands.


• 在过去,不同群体之间发生了激烈的战斗。

• 一个由一个名叫耶比(Jebe)的人领导的小组想接管一个叫楚杨王的要塞。

• 他们假装逃跑,并欺骗了另一只军队跟随他们。

• 然后,他们和朋友Chingis Khan一起转身袭击。

• 他们赢得了战斗并接管了要塞。

• 还有一个关于坏人叫塔塔塔的故事,他来到了一个叫做瑞赞的地方。

• 他们向那里的领导人询问了事情,但是当领导人说不时,塔塔尔人袭击了小镇。

• 他们伤害了很多人,做了非常糟糕的事情。

• 从前,有一个名叫Marco Polo的人写了一本关于他的旅行的书。

• 他谈到了一群非常擅长使用弓箭的人。

• 这些人在战斗中非常勇敢,并会竭尽所能。

• 他们可以长时间没有食物,甚至可以在马匹的牛奶上生存。

• 他们对领导者也非常服从,并作为一个团队合作。

• 在另一本书中,有一个故事,讲述了一个名叫奇吉斯·汗(Chinggis Khan)的领导人,他拥有一支大军。

• 他们组织成小组,每个小组都有一个领导者。

• 他们共同努力并互相对待。

• 蒙古人非常听话,跟随他们的领导人汗。

• 他们将在需要时快速战斗。

• 如果有人做错了什么,可汗会派遣使者来惩罚他们。

• 教皇无辜IV给伟大的可汗写了一封信,对可汗的入侵造成的破坏感到不安。

• 伟大的可汗回信,说他相信所有土地都是由天堂送给他的,他必须遵循它的命令。

Original Version

Suggested Databases


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Research Tips

The Mongol Empire is a very wide topic, you can consider people, places, movements, and even large events that are part of the Mongol Empire and use them for key words in your searches.

A good place to find these key words could be the linked blue words in an article from an encyclopedia like Britannica.

Some tips for researching on a database:

  • Use a * for a "wild card," this will let you search 1 time for a stem word and get all of the results for words that have different endings but the same stem. For example: contract* - searches any term that begins with “contract” (such as “contract”, “contracted”, or “contracts”).
  • Putting words or phrased in "quotation marks" will tell the search engine you want that specific phrase ONLY, no other combination of those words
  • Using our BOOLEAN OPERATORS can give us more or less specific results
    • keyboard NOT piano = only results about keyboards that are not for a piano (like keyboard for a computer)
    • Boolean Operators - English - LibGuides at Slippery Rock University

C-电流     R-相关    A-权威    A-准确    P-目的

  • Add a ~ before a word to include synonyms
    • ~joseon dynasty
  • Search one website by putting site:site name your search
    • ex. space race                                                                                                                                                                         ^this will search for your term on that specific website, notice they're all from the same website: 
    • You can also do the same thing with the TYPE of site, for example .gov, .org, .edu which are more authoritative sites that just .com
    • ex. space race    or space race
  • You can use our same BOOLEAN OPERATORS from before on most search engines as well.

When writing your research paper you will use In-text Citations, also called Parenthetical Citations(括号内的引文). They called that because they are in parenthesis (). You can find more information in the Purdue OWL, and Mr. Healy will be teaching you a lesson about it too.

When we write papers, it's important to give credit to the people who wrote the things we read. This is called MLA style. We have to be careful not to copy someone else's work without giving them credit. We can do this by putting their name and where we found the information in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Sometimes, we can put the information somewhere else in the sentence, there will be examples below. It's also important to make sure that the information we put in our paper matches what we put on the Works Cited page.

MLA format helps us give credit to authors and show where the information came from. In our writing, we have to put the author's last name and the page number in parentheses. We also have to make a list of all the books and articles we used at the end of our writing. The author's name can be in the sentence or in parentheses after the quote or idea, but the page number always goes in parentheses. If we want to know more about the book, we can look at the "Works Cited" or "Bibliography" list at the end. It will tell us the author's full name and the name of the book.

当我们写论文时,向撰写我们所读内容的人表示感谢非常重要。这称为 MLA 风格。我们必须小心,不要在没有注明出处的情况下抄袭别人的作品。我们可以通过将他们的名字和我们在句子末尾的括号中找到信息的位置来做到这一点。有时,我们可以把信息放在句子的其他地方,下面会有例子。确保我们在论文中输入的信息与我们在“引用的作品”页面上输入的信息相匹配也很重要。

MLA 格式帮助我们给予作者荣誉并显示信息的来源。在我们的写作中,我们必须将作者的姓氏和页码放在括号中。我们还必须在写作结束时列出我们使用的所有书籍和文章的清单。作者姓名可以出现在句子中,也可以出现在引用或想法后面的括号中,但页码始终位于括号中。如果我们想了解更多关于这本书的信息,我们可以查看最后的“被引作品”或“参考书目”列表。它会告诉我们作者的全名和书名。



Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).

Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).


Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).

If there is no known author you can put the title of the work, in quotations, in place of the Author's family name: ("Title")

Annotated Bibliography

Students will complete an annotated bibliography (带注释的参考书目) about

  • 1 Primary Source (主要资源) from Mr. Singleton
  • 3 Secondary Sources (次要来源) that you find

You will annotate them according to this website: Purdue OWL

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that you use when you research a topic. It can be books, websites, journals, or other things. Each source in the bibliography has a summary or evaluation called an annotation. The annotation can summarize what the source is about, assess its usefulness, and reflect on how it fits into your research. An annotated bibliography can help you learn about your topic, come up with a main idea for your research, and see what other researchers have said about the topic. The format of an annotated bibliography can vary, but it usually includes bibliographic information and annotations written in paragraphs.


Your annotations will include:

  • summary (总结报告) of the article
    • Here you will paraphrase (释义) the source, Mr. Healy will discuss this more with you in class.
  • You will assess (评估) how useful the article is, how relevant (相关的) is it?
  • You will reflect on (思考) how it will fit into your research. Has it changed how you think about your topic? How will it shape (形状) your argument?

Final Tips

Don't forget to check your class pages and the shared project page on Teams regularly for updates.

Please see Mr. Healy, Ms. Haeshin, Mr. Singleton, or Ms. Kylee if you need help, we are all here to support you!